Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cook's Companions 6x6 oil

A few leftovers and it is time to paint.


Nothing to See said...

That is so nice. You are unwittingly encouraging me to start doing some still life work.

This is beautiful.

Kim VanDerHoek said...

You really got the onion skin, it's shiny and looks like I could peel a layer off.

Connie Kleinjans said...

Dori. You're a painting animal! (I'm not worthy!) Keep it up. Also (and I don't know if you remember this), when we took that workshop I wanted a tube of that paint you use with the color "charming." I think you wanted to know what color it was. I don't know, but you're still using it. :)

Edward Burton said...

Wonderful painting - great composition and really nice job with the onion!