In the back of my house behind our garage is this view of our patio area. There are a number of trees back here. My favorite from this view is the multi trunk Crepe
Myrtle with the pale pink blooms that hang down like ornament do on a Christmas tree. I always feel like a bird in a tree peering in to my own life from this angle. Many a party has taken place out here and lots of
Easter eggs have been found and some not. Most people don't see this view. It is another one of those quiet places I have enjoyed over the years. So another in the "About the House" series.
This came together faster then I thought it would. Editing was very important and I can tell you there is much that was left out. The Umbrellas were what caught my eye and the focus was on them. I talked to myself a lot on this one and found it to be helpful in staying on track.
Well the one thing with working at home is I forget to put my stuff away. I come in and get busy and just forget. So I better get out there and clean up before the bugs make there way into my paint.
One thing I struggle with is how to make something an obvious focal point without overdoing it, and I really like that here you said you edited a lot to focus on the umbrellas, and yet the really fit into the scene as a whole, but they don't dominate.
Love the light on the grass...this might be my favorite in your series!
I have been following your blog for some time and I am impressed by your progress. I still feel at times that I am searching. You on the other hand just do it. Your idea to paint what is surrounding you is a great inspiration for me. thanks
You obviously have a lovely home and this painting looks like it is just FILLED with happy memories.
Love the umbrella focus and I especially like the way you've handled the grassy areas and shade on the grass. I find that difficult so I'll be back to study how you did it!!
This series of paintings is awesome!!! Keep up the great work.
I love this series, and this is my favorite so far!
I love this one, Dori - it has wonderful light and a great composition. Well done!
This is a stunning painting. The orange highlights are magnificient and you should be so proud! What a great view to have so close by ...
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