In August we had the pleasure of staying with friends in the bay area while delivering our son up to San Jose State University. While staying with with them we made the acquaintance of Jerry the Korgy. I had lots of photos of this wonderful little guy. I thought I would paint the portrait in hopes of getting a likeness. The other photos I have are funny with his tung out and teeth showing. Next time I may tackle one of them.
Dori, I don't know if this looks like Jerry, but as a portrait it is really wonderful...I'm sure they will be delighted!
You've been one busy lady! Your son is only a 40 minute drive away from me. Let me know if I need to check up on him. Love this painting!
many times I feel pet portraits miss the mark in a big way--possibly because the artist doesn't really look at the individual animal and the results could be "any" other tabby or "any" other spaniel. THIS, however, is a truly masterful animal portrait...because you seem to have painted the individual dog ---(not that I know him) but it has a super accurate but painterly feeling. Nothing is worse than a bad dog or cat painting! lol..this is top notch.
OK, I love dogs, and this guy's personality comes through. Now, about the painting: I love the value changes in the white and the red-brown. You don't notice them, which is good, but they give volume. The brushstrokes are perfect for his fur. And I'm astonished that this is a monochromatic piece: black, white, and orange. Nice. No: quietly excellent.
I love every single brush stroke. It's one of my favorites of yours so far; what a gorgeous dog!
Wonderful portrait, Dori. Great expression.
Fantastic portrait! Love the way you used strong stokes to convey that thick Corgi fur. His expression is so alert and handsome. You got that gold color just right.
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