Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bob 12x12 oil

Okay, so I let it alone for a few hours and watched the Super Bowl with "Bob". He asked me if it was okay to say what he thinks about my interpretation of him. I said sure and he said he was thinking about it. That is the thing with portraiture, I might be delighted, but the customer will have their feelings too. How well does one know ones self? How do I know if I captured them, I mean the person, the whole and spiritual person...hummmmmmmmmmmm

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Michelle said...

Great work on Bob...nice dramatic pose! Also love your self portrait.

Dana Cooper said...

It is hard to paint those that you love, but you did a really nice job with this!

Linda Popple said...

Wonderful portrait! Thanks for sharing the progress from the beginning. You are very talented.

Edward Burton said...

This is wonderful, Dori. I love the mood and drama of the portrait. Beautifully painted.