If you have ever owned a small breed dog, you probably experienced it's "mighty" personality. Larger than life. In our house there are two little dogs that rule the roost, I am embarrased to say. They bark at anything that moves and any size. When out for a walk they are on guard and pulling us along. On the other hand they are totally devoted to protecting and loving us unconditionally.
$80.00+$10.00 S&H

I love this one! You can just feel him tugging.
Paint this one dark grey and you'd have our dog Bridget, a shizu-poodle mix whom most referred to as the "tasmanian devil."
What a feisty little dog. She's long since passed away several years ago but still lives fondly in our hearts.
Love this painting. Thanks for bringing back good memories for me.
That is perfect Dori!
Nice gesture and great fur!
I can feel his enthusiasm! Great job on indicating to form beautifully without a lot of detail.
Dori, great job capturing the movement in this little mighty guy. Well done. So proud to be a part of Daily Painter Originals with you.
Glad you captured him before he "got" away. Well done.
This painting made me smile as soon as I saw it! I have a little 'big' dog, too, and THAT's how we walk!
Nice tension in this one - - you captured something we dog folks deal with every time we walk - I'm hoping it's giving me nice upper body muscles- I'll let you know!
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