Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An Apple A Day

I wish that is all it took to stay in good health.  The season of festivities is great until stepping on the scale or not being able to remember the last time I hiked more than once in a week or two.  So the diet begins.   Healthy food and thinking about what is best and not what tastes best.  I did enjoy the season and now it is time to pay for it...OUCH!
$25 starting Bid


Gina Brown said...

You are not alone... lovely little painting. Love the complimentary colors.

Dana Cooper said...

It doesn't matter what you paint, portraits to apples, you do it all so well!

claire christinel said...

Gorgeous apple and perfect foreshortening.

Karen Bruson said...

This one jumped right off the page for me. Love the reds in the apple.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous painting for someones kitchen! well done as usual my friend!

Unknown said...

Beautiful colors, Dori. Love the greens in the shadow.

Katherine van Schoonhoven said...

Hi Dori! I am excited to see you in person this weekend! I enjoyed meeting you in Portland at Kitty Wallis' workshop and I have thoroughly enjoyed following your blog since then!

Your blog is a treasure so I am passing along an award to you, The Liebster Blog Award. It originated in Germany and recognizes up and coming bloggers. It is meant to showcase those who have fewer than 200 followers. (Liebster means "favourite" or "dearest" in German.) This is done in the spirit of pay-it-forward. In accepting this award, the recipient agrees to:

• Thank the person that gave them the award and link back to their blog

• Copy and paste the award to their blog

• Reveal the 5 blogs they have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog

Please grab your badge the Leibster badge at my site

Happy New Year! Katherine

Virginia Floyd said...

Beautiful painting! Love the values in this apple!