Friday, April 17, 2009

Paulina 10x8 oil

This was the second painting of my model day.  I tried to stay loose and work to put the strongest contrasts and details in the focal area.


Unknown said...

It would have been easier for you to have crop her at the neck level but you took the path less traveled and included the hand resting on the back of the chair. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dori! You're doing great with the planes of the head. I also like that you put down a strong brush stroke and leave it alone.

Janelle Goodwin said...

This classy portrait reminds me of someone out of the forties. Very intriguing!

Gary Keimig said...

Very nice work. I love the way you treat the human figure. Good job.

Carol Horzempa said...

I like the fact that you didn't get caught up with all the details and stuck to your original plan of staying loose and bold. Great Job!

Thanks for checking my blog and your nice comment too!