Well it has been a while and I was dying to paint something. I looked through photos and came across photos from a trip last year coming home from leaving my youngest son at
SJSU. I shot a number of photos out the window. Most are a blur, but didn't really care as it was better for me to be playing with my camera than to be thinking of Spencer really being gone for the year. A school year later he has returned home a slightly evolved human being. His leaving left my husband and I "Empty
Nester's" for the most part with adjustments of our own to make. I think it has been a very good year for all of us. Today all my sons are home playing music and visiting with friends. It has been a wonderful day. And in the middle of it I took out my pastels and did this scene to shake off the cob webs and get back to painting.
So this farm house sits somewhere between San Jose and Santa Maria. Lots of big stretches of land. I have not been painting much and jumped back in with this. I could keep working , but better to put it aside and hopefully do another this week. Glad to be painting!
Happy Memorial Day!
Glad to see you back Dori...your pastel landscape is wonderful!
So you boy is in my neck of the woods! Let me know if he needs a care package or home cooking. Love this pastel Dori!
Good for you... You certainly lost nothing from your brief painting vacation!! Very nice.
Isn't it wonderful to see our kids grow and become more themselves??
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