This was a challenge with green. Green grass, green plants, green green green. Thank goodness there was a house to add some structure and shape.
Love these iceberg tree roses. They line the walk up to my front door. I decided to paint them from the side where I walk around my house from the back to the front. We have these stepping stones that create a path to the front side walk and continues through to the other side of the house. I like to almost jump from step to step. It reminds me of being a kid and stepping on every line in the sidewalk.
So it was a peaceful morning with birds chirping and neighbors out for a morning walk.
It was suggested that I do a nocturne painting...hummmmmmmm. Thanks for the idea Marian (check here to see her blog).
Well, thanks for the mention but I only said it because I thought it would be a good idea!!
Love the steps on this path around your house!! I can just see you hopping from paving stone to paving stone!!
This is a beauty! I think you did great on varying the greens.
Love it. Love it. Love it.
this is near perfect to my eyes
wonderful greens and tones
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