This came from a photo of a much larger view. The thing with the Back Bay is that it is a subject that gets a lot of attention. I wanted a different view and format then typical. My friend Cindy lives close and we went out painting on her bluff. I painted the other side of this with a house structure and tree with a path, "Breezy View Point". I was quite taken with the bougainvillea and wanted to work it into a shot of the bluff. It is tricky when having such a predominate and recognizable subject in the background of a busy color area like bougainvillea. I am still studying it to see what else needs to be done or not. Any in put would be appreciated.
Lovely painting - the colors are fantastic!
Beautiful! I love the format.
It works for me Dori! Your values are such that one area is not predominate giving it balance. The little bit of white identify the plant as bougainvillea...well done!
I knew at first glance that this was the Back Bay. I love your use of the bougainvillea (one of my favorite flowers to paint) in the foreground. I also like the size of the canvas. Long, thin paintings have an exciting edge to them.
excellent,doesn't look like it needs more,but if pushed maybe some variation in the red flowers from front to back...
Oh nice! I had to scroll down to see it all, so all the red was a surprise. It's really interesting how the red predominates, but the bluff is the focal point (to my eye). I'm not sure what I'd do, if anything. Maybe add a really high value at the focal point?
I love this composition. I think I'd bring some of the red of the flowers back up into the background area (in a much more subdued/vibrant form).
Wow Dori! Comp and crop is stupendous. Love your signature chunky and juicy strokes.
ah, i love this one! That red grabs me. It leads my eye so beautifully up the painting to the bay. i look forward to seeing this one in person.
PS my word verification is "dresses", very fitting for me, don't you think?
Thank you everyone for your input on this one. I did a few changes to it and I love it.
And Kate, "dresses", perfect for you. My verification was supeou...hmmm.
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